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सदस्यता लें
संदेश (Atom)
[01] Hi! I have finally decided to step into the community of bloggers. I always wanted an easy way to share my daily life experiences wi...
From the past one year, I've been spending the majority of my days with a group of people unknown to me. If I recall my first day, I ju...
Christmas should be the happiest time of year, an opportunity to be joyful and grateful with family, friends and colleagues. But not for o...
तुमसे दूरी
"तुमसे दूरी" तुम क्यों बदल गए? तुम्हारी क्या मजबूरी थी? तुम तो मेरे दिल में थे, फिर क्यों हम तुम में इतनी दूरी थी, ...