शनिवार, 16 सितंबर 2017

I Love You: Feelings To Convey

Image Source: My Own Work

why are you doing this, ruining my life?
making it complicated, always causing stress and strife
Baby don't you remember,
who stands with you in your hard time?
Before ending all this please clear your mind
Don't you forget you're just 22
I'm the one who is protecting you,
Today you're fighting like I'm a fool
only God knows how much I really care for you
you fight with me each day and every night
I will stay strong,
until you realize
till then i can do a favor for you
i will cry tearless for you
in the end i just want to say
i wish you stay happy
with joy on your face
I love you these three words I chose
for my feelings to convey.

For Someone Special: Collection Of Romantic Poems & Short Stories:


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