शुक्रवार, 11 अगस्त 2017

When a father do something unexpected for our Mother

Love is a mixture of verb and action. Its not something that you just fall into and then you take your hands off the wheel. Love is a constant gesture. It is a million of I love you on whatsapp chat messages, phone calls to show you care, warm embraces, tender hugs and kisses, dates, smiles, and winks. Its finding a compromise where no one wins 100%, but its something everyone can live with.

Today, my Dad drew a painting and filled some colors in it (see the image) and wrote my mother name on it. As a father of two who came from a family who is bit traditional it was something unexpected.
Sorry Dad you made a mistake in it. It is wife not Wief. Spelling error :-p

Image Courtsey: My Dad work!

Both my sister and me always curious to know about their relationship. There is always shouting, augmenting, fighting and many more things, apart from love there is everything. Whenever they fight we just gaze at the two from the corner of the bed (where we hide most of the time when they fight), our eyes moving side to side, trying to figure it out, whats going on?

I always thought that, Will they ever go out for a date? Had they ever watched movie together or dine a romantic candle light dinner near Naini lake?

But today my father did this, something really loveable and romantic. Exactly what I want to do [If I ever get married and if I ever have children :-D]. I want my son to see me while I paint something for his mother. I want to tell him how much I love his mother and I want my son to know how to treat a wife and mother. I want him to know the importance of showing the mother of his children affection, even after many years of marriage. I want to show him by example.

[Dont worry my babies I want a Beti too ( Beti Bachao Beti padhao ]

And for my daughters, I want them to expect someone drawing something for them. I want them to marry someone who is willing to take that extra little bit of time and money to invest in romance.

I dont know why he do this today or what he fell for. But let me accept it, we liked it very much. May be this is the best thing a father could probably do to make sure his children see how he love their mother.

For Someone Special: Collection Of Romantic Poems & Short Stories https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0725RFCRX/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_-oFFzbF4Q48AK

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