गुरुवार, 15 दिसंबर 2016

Who Bite Nails Here??

[12] What was going on in my life I start biting😬 my nails💅? Ya! I often do it in my childhood👶 but no, not again. Nail biting develop medical problems such as swelling and inflammation of gums (gingivitis)😱, and biting the skin at the edge of the nails (cuticles) may develop painful infections around the nail that can lead to scarring or even loss of the nail😰.
Image source: Selfwork!

Sitting on the top of my terrace🏙. Is there some problem in my life that is causing stress because nail-biting often starts during a period of stress😫, but then continues as a habit after the stress has been sorted out.

Stress which type of stress🤔? Is it study related or may be career/job related? Am I in stress because I am still a bachelor😗? Or some other family or social problem?
Whatever! So what if I bites my nail🙅? Britney Spears that famous singer🎼🎤 do that, Even U.K. ex. prime minister do so and I am sure once in a while you also do so😏. That's not a big problem, reading some e-mails. Ray of hopes in my in-box. OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! Catch ya later🤓.

(Thinner or Red chilly🌶🌶 powder may be a nail-paint with bitter chemicals may prevent this habit🙇.)

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